Year of birth: 1974
Nationality: German
Place of residence: Alsheim, Germany
Year of first appointment to the Supervisory Board: 2023
End of current appointment to the Supervisory Board: 2027
Apprenticeship in banking (‚Bankkauffrau‘) at Kreissparkasse Gelnhausen, Gelnhausen
Degree Sparkassenfachwirt, Sparkassenakademie
Christine Metzler joined DWS in 2005. From 2005 to 2018 Ms Metzler worked in various functions at Global Reporting & Performance Measurement, Finance and Investment Operations department. Since 2006 she is a member of the Workers‘ Council of DWS Investment Group and is currently a Deputy Chairman of the Workers’ Council. She also chairs the Remuneration and Working Time Committee and is member of the Works Committee (Betriebsausschuss), Economic Committee (Wirtschaftsausschuss) and IT-Committee.
Before joining DWS, Ms Metzler worked at Kreissparkasse Gelnhausen in securities settlement. From 1997 to 2005 she worked at Deka Investments in End of Year and Taxes and IFRS-Reporting department.
2nd Deputy of the Workers‘ Council of DWS Investment Group