Christine Metzler

Employee representative


Year of birth: 1974
Nationality: German

Place of residence: Alsheim, Germany

Year of first appointment to the Supervisory Board: 2023
End of current appointment to the Supervisory Board: 2027


  • Apprenticeship in banking (‚Bankkauffrau‘) at Kreissparkasse Gelnhausen, Gelnhausen

  • Degree Sparkassenfachwirt, Sparkassenakademie

Professional Career

Christine Metzler joined DWS in 2005. From 2005 to 2018  Ms Metzler worked in various functions at Global Reporting & Performance Measurement, Finance and Investment Operations department. Since 2006 she is a member of the Workers‘ Council of DWS Investment Group and is currently a Deputy Chairman of the Workers’ Council. She also chairs the Remuneration and Working Time Committee and is member of the Works Committee (Betriebsausschuss), Economic Committee (Wirtschaftsausschuss) and IT-Committee.

Before joining DWS, Ms Metzler worked at Kreissparkasse Gelnhausen in securities settlement. From 1997 to 2005 she worked at Deka Investments in End of Year and Taxes and IFRS-Reporting department.

Principal Occupation

2nd Deputy of the Workers‘ Council of  DWS Investment Group

Other supervisory board positions and directorships outside DWS Group



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