Year of birth: 1963
Nationality: Japanese
Place of residence: Tokyo, Japan
Year of first appointment to the Supervisory Board: 2023
End of current appointment to the Supervisory Board: 2027
1983 |
Bachelor of Economics, Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan |
03/2023 - today |
Senior Fellow, Global Insurance Business Dept. |
07/2022 |
Managing Executive Officer |
07/2021- today |
Non-Executive Director |
07/2021 |
Director and Managing Executive Officer |
03/2021 |
Managing Executive Officer |
03/2020 |
Managing Executive, Executive Director |
03/2020 |
Executive Officer |
03/2019 |
Director and Managing Executive Officer and |
07/2018 |
Director and Executive Officer and |
03/2018 |
Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer |
03/2015 |
Executive Officer, Head of Asia Pacific (Singapore) |
03/2014 |
General Manager for Asia Pacific (Singapore) |
03/2012 |
General Manager, 1st Corporate Finance Dept. |
03/2009 |
General Manager, International Planning & Operation Dept. |
03/2007 |
General Manager, Credit & Alternative Investment Dept. |
03/2006 |
General Manager, Corporate Planning and Administrative Dept. |
04/1986 |
Joined Nippon Life Insurance Company |
Senior Fellow of Nippon Life Insurance Company
Non-Executive Director, MLC Limited, Sydney, Australia