
DWS Investments UK Limited TCFD Entity Report 2023

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DWS Alternatives Global Limited TCFD Entity Report 2023

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DWS Climate Report 2023

The Climate Report, which follows the recommendations of TCFD (the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures), addresses DWS’ climate-related ambitions and provides transparent disclosures on its climate action through its fiduciary and corporate activity.

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DWS Investments UK Limited TCFD Entity Report 2022

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DWS Climate Report 2022 (PDF)

DWS published its third Climate Report that follows the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations.

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ESG Statement (PDF)

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DWS Public Dialogue

Below you can find our contributions and statements since 2021 on public and regulatory consultations conducted by legislators and regulators as well as international standard setters.

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Excerpt from DWS report to CDP Climate Change Questionnaire 2022

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DWS Climate Report 2021 (PDF)

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DWS Sustainability Report

As a firm, we have placed ESG at the heart of everything that we do. Our aim is to become the leading ESG asset manager and thought leader by applying “ESG first”-principles as fiduciary and corporate. In 2020, we consolidated our reporting to only one single document providing a comprehensive overview of our financial and non-financial performance over the past year as we believe that our overall value not only depends on our financial but also on our non-financial performance.
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DWS Climate Report 2020 (PDF)

Our actions towards TCFD
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DWS Sustainability Reports 2019/2018

"ESG, and sustainability in its broadest sense, is of the utmost importance to DWS. This springs from the fiduciary obligations central to us as an asset manager. And sustainability is one of our four core values at DWS. We will always strive to act in a responsible manner while seeking opportunities to develop our business." Dr Asoka Woehrmann, Chief Executive Officer
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Human Capital Disclosure (PDF)

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Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (PDF)

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